Ahead of upcoming stewardship opportunities this fall Access Fund has a very relevant article about the responsibility of climbers to step up to preserve and maintain the areas we impact.
If you can’t make it through the whole thing, these are the highlights:
How You Can Help?
Notice the impacts:
The first step to fixing the problem is recognizing the problem exists. When you’re out at the crag, pay attention to the conditions around you. Are there exposed tree roots? How much plant life is around? How sloped is the base? Are your feet slipping on the dirt and disturbing the soil? These are signs that climbing is taking a toll.
Limit your impact:
Now that you see the problem, work to keep it from getting worse. Put your gear close to the wall and move the belay closer in, not farther away from the cliff. Stay on the trail if there is one, or try to step on rocks and other durable surfaces.
Get involved:
Step up with your back, your wallet, or both. Keep your eyes open for volunteer opportunities with your local climbing organization or with Access Fund-Jeep Conservation Teams. If you have financial resources, please consider donating to Access Fund or your local climbing organization. Adequate funding is a critical part of making these projects successful.
Use your voice:
One of Access Fund and local climbing organizations biggest challenges is getting approval from land managers to tackle stewardship. You can help by telling land managers that you support streamlined approval processes for partners. Sign the petition.
America’s Deteriorating Climbing Areas
“A lot of climbers are having a hard time wrapping their heads around the fact that climbing is big. It’s grown and it’s huge. Areas are getting destroyed.”